"So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say." ― Virginia Woolf

🍬 Sunday Candy 🍬

Sunday Candy is my experimental creative playground where anything goes. This is where I share my world with you; whatever is swirling around my mind, straight from my pulpy heart.

Here, you’ll find a patchwork of written pieces – personal reflections, poetry, essays, vignettes, playlists, and whatever else I want to share with you. I’m enamored with mixing the analog with the digital, so don’t be surprised if you see handwritten notes, typewritten words, doodles, paint, or Polaroids. 

Sunday Candy is a living, breathing, evolving space. It’s my place to play. This means what I share, when I share it, and the way I share it is an ongoing experiment.

What are people saying about Sunday Candy?

“If you're a person with feelings, then Sunday Candy is for you. Sandra serves an emotional feast by sharing glimpses into her life experience, while weaving in curated music, memorable movie scenes, and handmade pieces into each intentional detail. A genuine and refreshing perspective, Sandra encourages readers to soften with her tender, clever wordplay.”

— Shannon Colón, Somebody Might Enjoy This

“Like all Sunday Candy posts, Sandra is vulnerable, has great writing, and creates a sublime vibe. When Sandra writes, I feel like I am an old friend of hers.”

Charlie Becker, Castles in the Sky

“A magical mix of handmade prose, pleasing playlists and delightful visuals. Thought stirring, heartwarming, and inspiring to anyone who creates.”

— Elizabeth Edwards, The Drawing Board

“Reading Sandra Yvonne’s writing is like being embraced in a warm hug—comforting à la max.”

Alexandra Allen, Alexandra Allen’s Substack

Sandra Yvonne has a wonderful bi-weekly newsletter titled Sunday Candy. It is a great balance of the serious and the playful, which I am learning to embrace.”

Karena de Souza, Tilt the Future

“Your writing is so genuine and sincere. We all need more of it.”

Randy Garman, Chasing Answers

“I’m inspired by Sandra’s capacity to reliably serve a mood. It’s one thing to dedicate oneself to a particular kind of content, but to consistently deliver a specific feeling, now that’s a whole other category of skill as a writer.”

— Rick Lewis, Pivot to the Podium

"There is a through-line for writers that I enjoy reading, and that trait is vulnerability. Don’t just give me stats and data; I want to be able to understand you better from your writing. My friend Sandra is genuinely exceptional in that regard, and Sunday Candy strikes a difficult balance of being light and fun to read while still being personal and illuminating.”

Dustin, Sabbath Sessions